November 5, 2022

8 Evidence-Based Health Benefits Of Eating Bananas

Dream Chaser Stories

Eating bananas moderate your blood sugar levels after meals, they also regulate your appetite by emptying of your stomach.

Dietary fiber in bananas has been linked to many health benefits, including improved digestion.

Pectin is a fibre found in the bananas that prevents constipation and other digestive issues that can happen.

Some test-tube studies even propose that pectin in bananas may help protect against the colon cancer!

Bananas are full of antioxidants that reduce blood pressure, which lowers risk of heart diseases and degenerative illness.

As great dietary sources of potassium, bananas could be especially beneficial when it comes to keeping your kidneys healthy.

Bananas are sometimes referred to as the perfect food for athletes for providing excellent nutrition during workouts.

Both ripe yellow bananas and unripe green bananas can satisfy your sweet tooth and also keep you healthy.

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