QuickBytes - Visual Web Stories
QuickBytes - Visual Web Stories

What is QuickBytes?

In the age of smartphones, attention spans are reducing, however people are more curious than ever on what’s happening around the world. That's why we created QuickBytes - a social content platform that allows users to quickly read and share the most interesting stories on the web. With a user-friendly interface, an interactive community, and personalized recommendations, QuickBytes has become the go-to platform for discovering web stories and staying up-to-date with the latest trends. Join our growing community and find out why thousands of users have already joined QuickBytes!

Our platform allows you to instantly access a variety of visual stories, from top contributors all around the world without signing-up. However for posting your own stories, you need to create an account, which only takes a few seconds and is completely free. What's more, by signing up and logging in you'll be able to follow top contributors and get notified when new stories are posted.

Are you looking for a way to grow your followers? Our platform allows you to quickly and easily post web stories that are sure to engage your audience. With thousands of users already using the platform, you have access to a huge potential audience. Plus you get 25 points as a joining bonus when you complete profile and verify your email. So what are you waiting for? Join the thousands of users already taking advantage of this amazing opportunity and start growing your followers today!

Web Stories are a visually rich, full-screen content format for the web, which allow you to tap or swipe through stories to consume content. The best part is that web stories are supported by Google, so you might find them across Google Search and Discover platform. With Web Stories, you can create engaging and immersive experiences that bring your content to life. Try Web Stories today and see the difference it can make!

Web Stories are similar to Facebook, Instagram & Snapchat stories. They help brands and influencer's deliver great storytelling experiences to its audience by allowing them to produce magnificent visual content. Web Stories or visual stories take mobile experience to the next level. Web Stories is nothing but an extension of AMP built with the ultimate goal to make content easier to consume

One of the biggest benefits of Web Stories is that they can grab the attention of people at the very first sight and keep them engaged for much longer than a regular blog post or news article. The concept of Web Stories is similar to Instagram or Facebook stories, so most of the users easily adapt to Web Stories format within no time, which is the reason of their growing popularity. Did you know that a website’s loading speed shouldn’t be more than 3 seconds? One of the most outstanding benefits of Web stories is that they are built on Amp framework so they load 2x faster than other regular pages.

Web Stories offers a unique solution for content creators, influencer's, and brands alike. One of the other biggest plus points of Web stories is that users, influencer's or brands can share or embed any story by sharing the link on any platform. Users don’t need an app to read, post or share a story.

One of the biggest plus points of visual stories are that they are not time bound unlike Instagram or Facebook stories that last for only 24 hours. Web stories are accessible to anyone for ever on QuickBytes platform as well as on Google platform like Search, Discover and Images

With other social media story formats, they typically can only reach the people who follow your social account. However web Stories posted on QuickBytes have the chance to be seen by much larger audience. While they are accessible on QuickBytes platform forever they are also visible on Google platforms like search, discover and images.

With web stories, you can quickly create custom content that is tailored specifically to your target audience to maximize engagement. Plus, they are easy to produce and cost-effective. Apart from this you can become an influencer by posting good stories and also earn rewards. For each approved web story that is featured on the platform, you get up to 50 points, that can be redeemed on our partner portal.

While there is no limit on posting the visual stories on QuickBytes, but we recommend that you should focus on quality of a stories rather than quantity. With the rise of online content, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. High quality stories get a better engagement and views and grow your followers to become an influencer. We promote high-quality captivating web stories so you can engage your followers and keep them coming back for more

With the ever-changing trends, it can be difficult to know what topics to write about. Our platform uses AI-driven insights to suggest what's trending. You can also refer other social media platforms and news sites to check to stay updated on recent trends. We also recommend to post stories based on and what your target audience is interested in. We help content creators increase engagement, and drive more views on their stories. Please don’t post personal stories.

All the stories are currently manually moderated by our editorial team to ensure we allow only high quality stories to be featured on the platform. While we try to approve the stories as soon as they are posted, but however because we get thousands of web stories posted on the platform everyday, so it may take longer at times to review your stories. At the moment we can’t assure how long it will take to review your stories.

Our aim is to provide an enriching experience to our users, when they read web stories on QuickBytes or on Google platform. There are few simple things to keep in mind while posting a good story: think of a great story title, use high quality portrait images, don’t use watermark or copyright images, add interesting snippets. Voila isn’t it that a simple way to build a magical stories and grow your followers.

We approve and publish only original web stories posted by the content creators. If you have copied a content from other user stories or used a watermark or copyright images or you haven’t added any meaningful snippets then there are high chances of rejection. Another common reason of rejection is duplicate stories, so we suggest to post unique stories that aren’t already posted.

You may think just posting stories is enough, but it's not. To grow your followers and become an influencer, you need to consistently promote your stories. While our platform promote your stories on the web to reach a wider audience, but you also need to share your stories in your other social media platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook etc so you can grow your followers quickly and effectively. Thousands of influencer's have already used QuickBytes to gain more followers, and are enjoying the results!

You get up to 50 points for each approved and published story on QuickBytes, which is not there on any other social media platform like Instagram, Facebook or Youtube for posting content. On QuickBytes you can quickly grow a large followers base and start collaborating with brands to promote their stories or products. Our advanced algorithms will help you identify the right audiences and attract more followers, so you can maximize your earnings potential.

Have a question or comment for QuickBytes? Get in touch with our team through our contact form, email, or on social media pages. We're here to help with any inquiries you have about our products and services. Get answers from the experts at QuickBytes. You can email any doubts or queries at [email protected] or use our contact us page.

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