September 22, 2022

8 Monumental Facts About The Great Wall Of China


Nearly 30% of The Great Wall Of China has disappeared, due to erosion and extensive damage caused by human activities.

With a total length of 21,196 kms, The Great Wall of China is the longest feat achieved by the human engineering.

The average height of The Great Wall of China is 6 to 7 meters and at the highest point it is almost 14 meters high wall.

During its construction, The Great Wall of China was referred as longest cemetery on Earth because so many people died.

Grieving family members of those who died building The Great Wall Of China would walk the length of it with a rooster in tow.

The Great Wall of China is a longest and largest man-made structure, it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in December 1987.

Contrary to common belief, The Great Wall Of China cannot be seen from the Moon without the use of telescope.

An estimated 75% of tourist see the Badaling section of The Great Wall Of China, estimated 70,000 people visit every day.

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