March 20, 2023

How Does Dark Chocolate Ease The Period Cramps?


High amount of coco present in dark chocolate is an excellent source of flavonoids, which is an antioxidant.

It even contains anti inflammatory properties, which control PCOS and other menstrual related issues.

Dark chocolate reduces cortisol level, which is the stress hormone, thereby providing comfort during the period cramps.

Dark chocolate also improves mood by increasing serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain, which are happy hormones.

Potassium content in dark chocolate stops muscles from retaining water and feeling bloated, thus, helping to ease cramps.

The energizing and mood boosting power of dark chocolate lies in its content of caffeine and stimulates.

The remedy of controlling skin bumps and acne troubles lies in the sweetness of dark chocolate.

This helps with other facial issues that accompany the menstrual cycle, which ultimately makes your skin look good.

Dark chocolates are rich source of iron and improves blood hemoglobin level, which reduces fatigue during the cycle.

There is a considerable amount of magnesium present in dark chocolate, which works as a fruitful remedy for sore muscles.

It is best to eat dark chocolate with more than 65% of coco beans during periods, which can relieve period pain and cramps.

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