May 21, 2023

International Tea Day: A Day To Enjoy A Cup Of Tea

Haris Mujawar

International Tea Day is an annual observance that was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2019.

The day is celebrated on May 21 each year and aims to raise awareness of the long history and cultural.

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with over 2 billion cups consumed each day.

It is grown in over 50 countries and is an important source of income for millions of people.

Tea production and processing also play a significant role in rural development and poverty reduction.

International Tea Day is an opportunity to celebrate the many benefits of tea and to learn more about the challenges.

It is also a day to take action to support sustainable production and consumption of tea, and to raise awareness.

International Tea Day is a chance to enjoy a delicious cup of tea and to learn more about this important beverage.

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Haris Mujawar