May 3, 2023

Weirdest Deep Sea Creatures Lurking Beneath The Waves


Bioluminescent Octopus is one of the few known octopus, known to use bioluminescence (or glowing with its own light).

Marrus orthocanna is made up of multiple repeated units, including tentacles and multiple stomachs.

Crossota norvegica is a kind a jellyfish, collected from the deep Arctic Canada Basin.

The black swallower fish has the ability to swallow prey much larger than itself

The gulper eel (also referred to as the pelican eel) is named for its massive mouth and jaw, which helps them to swallow prey

Ptilosarcus gurneyi, is actually a colony of animals that can withdraw into the soft sediment where it’s found

This Grimpoteuthis octopusis affectionately called Dumbo because of the way it flaps its ear-like fins to swim

The frilled shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus, is one of the gnarliest looking creatures in the sea

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